Acupuncture Therapy
What exactly is acupuncture? This non-invasive treatment is a form of Chinese medicine that can absolutely change your life. It promotes natural healing and pumps the vital energy your body needs to function and feel good. This safe, effective process stimulates certain points of your body to help ease chronic pain.
This is a non-traditional form of medical treatment that’s evolved into a complete holistic health care system, which has worked to help millions of people become well and stay well. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well-being. Talk about the good stuff!
Many associate the idea of acupuncture with painful needles, but the truth is this treatment is completely painless. You don’t even feel the needles during your treatment session. They are extremely thin and flexible and only insert as far as the skin, not into any muscle. The benefits of acupuncture can work toward getting you living the life you dreamed of, pain-free.
Acupuncture Can Benefit:
• Chronic back pain
• Reducing pain associated with headaches & migraines
• Neck pain
• Osteoarthritis
• Muscle spasms & pain
• Knee pain
• Allergies
• Digestive problems
The benefits of these therapy are life-changing. We want to see you leading a life full of health and vitality. Whatever pain or issues you are in the middle of, we can help you manage it.
Give us a call and let’s find the best solution that’s going to maintain optimal health for your best years yet!
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Dr. Mark, your go-to Chiropractor in Scottsbluff, most insurance plans are accepted plus Medicare and Medicaid at our office. If you are unsure of your coverage, Please give us a call at 308-633-2200
We also accept cash-paying patients.
218 W 27th St Scottsbluff, NE 69361
308 – 633 – 2200
Dr. Sam Mark D.C
218 W 27th St Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Chiropractor Scottsbluff NE
Monday – Thursday :
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM and 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Walk-ins are Welcome!
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